Wednesday 12 February 2014

When is a walk not a walk?

We do it every year, on the 1st of January we make all those resolutions. There are the crafty sort; reduce the stash pile, finish those not quite finished projects, learn a new technique.  Then there are the religious ones; pray more, keep up with the Bible reading notes, attend church regularly.  Finally there are the lifestyle ones; eat healthily, exercise regularly.  Well over the years I think I have covered all of them.  This year was going to be the healthy year, the eat healthily and exercise regularly year - yes well!  That is all well and good but have you seen the weather!!
So feeling in need of fresh air and exercise during a break in the wind and rain I headed off for my usual stroll around the village (at least usual on the rare occasions when it is not raining.)
When is a walk not a walk?  Easy, it's when you come across this:

This is not a river, it's the road!
When is a walk not a walk?  When it's a swim!
The water coming in through the trees
 is the stream breaking through.
The water it is running into is the road.
This is the drain further up the road.
I always thought the water was supposed
to go down the drain, not come out of it!

Compared with the Somerset levels we have had it very easy.  This bit of inconvenient flooding is not going into anyone's house or washing any crops away it is just blocking a road.  However it does make you realise how devastating a real flood is.  My prayers are for those going through the awfulness of dealing with a flood but especially for those on the Somerset levels who have been dealing with it, not for days but for weeks with no end in sight.

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